Wednesday 3 October 2012

ADEFFI 2012 Postgraduate Study Day - 3 March 2012

The ADEFFI (Association des études françaises et francophones d’Irlande) 2012 Postgraduate Study Day was held in the University of Sheffield on Saturday, 3 March 2012. This year ADEFFI joined forces with two other organisations ASMCF (Association for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France) and SSFH (Society for the Study of French History) to present a programme of events for posgraduate students in the area of French and Francophone studies studying in the UK and Ireland.

'Futures' was the theme of the day and 43 people attended. We heard from established academics about their experiences and up and coming reserachers about their research. Well done to all who helped organise the day and those who took part. The 2013 study day will be held in Dublin, more information to follow soon.