Thursday 27 March 2014

ADEFFI 2014 Postgraduate Symposium

The annual Postgraduate Symposium of the Association des Etudes Françaises et Francophones d'Irlande (ADEFFI) took place in NUI, Galway on Saturday 22 March 2014.

Postgraduate students from universities in Ireland and the UK, who work in the areas of French and Francophone studies, presented papers on various aspects of their research. This is the last symposium that I will organise as Postgraduate Representative of the association. I really enjoyed being part of the committee over the last three years and attending the annual conferences. Thanks to everyone who helped me along the way.

A report on the symposium is up on the association's Facebook page. It includes some photographs of the participants and attendees. Below is a photo of a section of the quadrangle in NUI, Galway.


  1. Hello Oliver!

    I am an undergraduate student from the University of Leipzig, Germany, and currently researching the literary figure of the flaneur for my Bachelor's thesis. I saw that you submitted a paper on the topic at the 2012 conference 'The Flaneur Abroad' in Nottingham. Do you think it would be possible to provide me with information about your topic? Of course your work would be officially included in the bibliography. Flaneurs in Irleland certainly sound very interesting indeed!

    Greetings from Germany.

    1. Hello,
      This is a link to the book, 'The Flâneur Abroad', to which I contributed a chapter on a flâneur in Ireland:
