The links between Leuven and Ireland go back over four hundred years. Those links are being developed further as the historic Irish College in Leuven is now home to The Leuven Institute for Ireland in Europe, which plays host to many different groups from the island of Ireland around the common area of Ireland in Europe.
23 PhD students from universities all over Europe came to talk about their research in many different fields of Irish Studies. We were allowed 20 minutes to make a short presentation about our work. This was a great opportunity for me to think about what's important about my research and answer questions from others working in similar areas. We also attended plenary lectures by academics working in Irish Studies and workshops on themes such as narratology, historiography and publishing.
I want to thank EFACIS for providing a scholarship that paid the registration and accommodation fees and also the UCC College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences Graduate School, who paid my travel costs to Leuven.