My Irishman's Diary article in today's Irish Times looks at the case of the Frenchman, Gaston Stiegler, who traveled around the world in 63 days. The year was 1901, and Stiegler was just one of a number of journalists in that year who embarked on an amazing journey that would them take around the globe.
Stiegler brought with him the smallest and lightest camera he could find to document what he saw along the way. It was a Photo-jumelle Carpentier, state of the art technology in 1901. Everyday, articles by Stiegler appeared on the front page of his newspaper Le Matin. The book he wrote based on the journey, Le Tour du monde en 63 jours, is on the website and contains photographs taken by Stiegler of the places he visited and the people he met.
The camera looked like this one in the picture below.
I wonder how long it would take to do such a journey today and how would we record the weird and wonderful sights we witness along the route?