Friday, 19 December 2014

National Library of Ireland - Blog Post

I have just written another blog post on the official blog of the National Library of Ireland (NLI). It is about the Art Ó Bríain Papers - a collection of papers that I have been researching as part of my PhD research.

The previous blog post that I wrote on the NLI's official blog was about the French journalist, Simone Téry (1897-1967), who traveled to Ireland in the 1920s and wrote about it in the French press. It is available to read here.

Photograph of Art Ó Bríain (O'Brien) (1872-1949).

Art Ó Bríain was the London representative of the First Dáil in London from 1919 to 1922. If you are interested in finding out more about Art Ó Bríain, why not have a look at his entry on the Dictionary of Irish Biography, or take a look at the biography section of the Art Ó Bríain Papers collection list on the National Library of Ireland's website:

You could also check out the Documents on Irish Foreign Policy website, where you can easily search for documents written by, or to, O'Brien / Ó Bríain. All sorts of correspondence, including memos and letters written by and to Ó Bríain have been digitized and they give us an amazing insight into what was happening in Ireland at the time.

Photograph of the Manuscripts Department of the National Library of Ireland on Kildare Street, Dublin.

Friday, 5 December 2014

List of Oliver O'Hanlon's Publications and Writings, etc.

This is a list of the various book chapters, book reviews, blog posts and newspaper articles that I have written over the last couple of years. I will try to keep it updated with any new material that I write.
Image source.

Book Chapters & Case Studies:

·         Book Chapter - Simone Téry, Une Française en Irlande’, in La France et l'Irlande: Destins Croisés, ed. by Catherine Maignant. (Villeneuve d’Ascq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2013). Link here
·        Book Chapter - Henri Béraud’s flâneur salarié abroad in Ireland’, in The Flâneur Abroad: Historical and International Perspectives, ed. by Richard Wrigley. (Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014). Link here
·        Case Study - ‘Press coverage from abroad’in Atlas of the Irish Revolution, ed. by John Crowley, Donal Ó Drisceoil and Mike Murphy (Cork: Cork University Press, 2017). Link here

Book Reviews:

·        Book review of Le Récit aujourd’hui, in Irish Journal of French Studies, 13 (2013), 182-184.
     [DOI:] Link here
·        Book review of Nation / Nazione: Irish Nationalism and the Italian Risorgimento, in Irish Studies Review, 23/1 (2014), 98-100. [DOI:] Link here
·        Book review of The Bordeaux-Dublin Letters 1757: Correspondence of an Irish Community Abroad, in Irish Studies Review, 24/2 (2016), 230-231. [DOI: 10.1080/09670882.2016.1147138] Link here
·        Book review of Models for Movers: Irish Women's Emigration to America, in Irish Studies Review, 25/4 (2017), 518-520. [DOI: 10.1080/09670882.2017.1365573] Link here

Newspaper Articles:

·        ‘Around the world in 63 days’, An Irishman’s Diary, Irish Times, 27 August 2013, p. 13. Link
·        ‘A lock of hair’, An Irishman’s Diary, Irish Times, 14 October 2013, p. 15. Link
·        ‘Mary Poppins – The Irish Connection’, An Irishman’s Diary, Irish Times, 23 November 2013, p. 15. Link
·        ‘The Irishmen who fought for the pope’, An Irishman’s Diary, Irish Times, 1 November 2014, p. 17. Link

·        An Irishmans on Friedrich Engles and Ireland, An Irishman’s Diary, Irish Times, 25 June 2015, p. 15. Link
·        ‘A Corkmans Philanthropy, An Irishman’s Diary, Irish Times, 7 July 2015, p. 15. Link
·       An Irishman’s Diary on pioneering French journalist Albert Londres, An Irishman’s Diary, Irish Times, 30 July 2015, p. 13. Link
·      ‘An Irishmans Diary on George Bernard Shaw and the National Gallery of Ireland, An Irishman’s Diary, Irish Times, 2 September 2015, p. 15. Link
·      ‘An Irishmans Diary: The extraordinary journey of Jules Vernes Irish orphan, An Irishman’s Diary, Irish Times, 29 October 2015, p. 15. Link
·        An Irishmans Diary on Alexis de Tocqueville and Ireland in 1835, An Irishmans Diary, Irish Times, 29 December 2015, p. 13. Link 
·        An Irishmans Diary on Susan Langstaff Mitchell, a pioneering Irish writer and journalist’, An Irishman’s Diary, Irish Times, 4 April 2016, p. 17. Link
·        An Irishmans Diary on Edwin Lawrence Godkin, the Irish-born newspaper editor who took on Tammany Hall’, An Irishman’s Diary, Irish Times, 18 May 2016, p. 15. Link
·        An Irishmans Diary on the 1911 Michelin Guide to the British Isles’, An Irishman’s Diary, Irish Times, 4 July 2016, p. 15. Link
·        An Irishmans Diary about Kenelm Lee Guinness, racing driver and pioneering engineer’, An Irishman’s Diary, Irish Times, 19 July 2016, p. 13. Link
·        An Irishmans Diary on Patrice Flynn, a Franco-Irish Catholic bishop who never forgot his roots’, An Irishman’s Diary, Irish Times, 5 January 2017, p. 13. Link
·        ‘Faithful unto death’ - An Irishman’s Diary on the Somme’s Chinese Cemetery, An Irishman’s Diary, Irish Times, 7 February 2017, p. 15. Link
·        An Irishmans Diary on the revolutionary art of May Guinness’, An Irishmans Diary, Irish Times, 20 March 2017, p. 13. Link
·        Great shakes - An Irishmans Diary on Daly’s Bridge and sport by the Lee, An Irishmans Diary, Irish Times, 20 May 2017, p. 15. Link
·        Book shows how overseas reporters highlighted the Irish Revoilution as it happened’, Irish Examiner, 6 September 2017, p. 12. Link
·        ‘Going to France’s aid - An Irishmans Diary on Hugh Murphy and Laleu’, An Irishmans Diary, Irish Times, 12 December 2017, p. 13. Link
·        ‘Still in the post after 260 years - An Irishmans Diary on a treasure trove of undelivered letters’, An Irishmans Diary, Irish Times, 17 March 2018, p. 17. Link
·        The Queen of the Air - An Irishmans Diary on aviation pioneer Amy Johnson’, An Irishmans Diary, Irish Times, 5 April 2018, p. 13. Link
·        Butter days - An Irishmans Diary on the Cork Butter Exchange and the worlds largest butter market, An Irishmans Diary, Irish Times, 15 May 2018, p. 13. Link
·        An Irishmans Diary on a place par excellence for art and pet-lovers, An Irishmans Diary, Irish Times, 26 June 2018, p. 13. Link
·        ‘Full steam ahead’ - An Irishmans Diary on the SS ‘Sirius’, the first steamship to cross the Atlantic from Europe to North America place par excellence for art and pet-lovers, An Irishmans Diary, Irish Times, 23 July 2018, p. 13. Link
·        A garden of gardens’ - An Irishmans Diary on Ilnacullin (Garinish Island), An Irishmans Diary, Irish Times, 4 September 2018, p. 13. Link

Online newspaper article:
     ·        ‘From boulevards to barricades: a flâneurs guide to Irelands War of Independence, Irish Times online, 28 April 2015 Link. Podcast of an interview I did on the flâneur & Ireland with Hugh Linehan & Fionn Davenport of the Irish Times, Link

Magazine articles: 
     ·        French bishops mission to Ireland, October 1916, History Ireland, Sept-Oct 2016, p. 24-26. Link
     ·        ‘A Milestone’ in the Civil War’, The Revolution Papers, 20 December 2016, p. 2. Link 
     ·        ‘Carl Marstrander: Viking of the BlasketsIreland’s Own, 13 July 2018, p. 31. Link

Blog Posts:

·        Simone Téry, the ‘Human Question Mark’ in Ireland. 1,200 word blog post with images on the National Library of Ireland’s official blog, published online February 2013. Link here

·      ‘It’s not all just books and letters: The Art Ó Bríain papers at the National Library of Ireland’. Blog post on the National Library of Ireland’s official blog, published online December 2014. Link here

UCC Postgraduate Student Journal article:

·        Ireland through French Eyes: Reports from Ireland in French Newspapers in the 20th Century. Short article describing my research topic to a general audience, published online in Vol. 2 of the UCC Boolean Postgraduate Student Journal. October 2011. Link here